Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The price of things..

Cuttlefish and shrimp over pasta with squid ink sauce, Jazmine tea, some kind of vegetable soup.

So, this was my dinner last night, purchased in a food court at a fancy mall.. it was fairly decent, the cooks who prepared it actually were cooking and not just heating things up.. I got a piece of garlick bread also.. total cost was $238 NT... or 238 New Taiwanese Dollars... or $7.31 American Dollars... 7 bucks for a seafood and pasta it was at a mall but still .. you can eat decently and cheaply here.. my breakfast of Radish cake and sort of an egg and bacon thing.. was less than 100NT..

I really noticed the difference the other day at a photo lab.. I found the pro lab here in Taipei and bought in all the film I had shot so far here.. about 10 rolls or so of medium format slide film, some negative film, some black and white film, all was processed well.. and sleeved for me.. with the print film I requested prints so I received several sets of prints.. all this cost me 792NT... or about $24 dollars..

so great.. some things are cheaper.. you also make less money here so it's all relative.. if you could work in the US and live here you'd be golden.. of course you would also be jetlagged beyond belief .....

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