Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pimp my scooter....

Taipei, Taiwan Tuesday 8PM

Take one normal generic scooter, chop in half, then weld together a big metal box with rear fold down ramp, attach front of scooter to box and add a side wheel.. take rear of scooter and bolt to side of box. You now have a scooter for the motorized wheelchair crowd. Drop down rear ramp, drive your motorized wheelchair into box, raise rear ramp, invite your friend to sit on the rear of the scooter which is now a sidecar, start her up, and off you go. Awesome! I have also seen a few scooters on the road here with three wheels across the back.. basically a scooter with training wheels for the old folks who have trouble with balance.. Excellent! I don't really like the scooters.. they smell.. their noisy.. they park on the sidewalks.. they drive on the sidewalks.. but.. gotta love a little ingenious modifications to help out those in need...

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