Tuesday, September 18, 2007

National Typhoon Day

Taipei, Taiwan, 2:30PM Tuesday

Welcome to National Typhoon Day.. everything will be shut down, you will be stuck in the apartment all day, the rain will fall sideways outside the window, you will listen to Chet Baker, you will raid the refrigerator for Lunch (and have seaweed, dried tofu, pickled jellyfish, cabbage and pork dumplings, leek and pork dumplings, and Kirin beer.. .. all really excellent) and right about now you will start to itch to get outside.. next stop, the mall?


Ber Murphy said...

What a day, cant we all have National Typhoon day. Except for the Pickled jellyfish, oh and the dried tofu and the seawead, cabbage and pork dumplings??? Anthony Bourdain I'm not. How about Chet Baker and beer. Just kidding, it sounds great.

Peter Baiamonte said...

I'm telling you dude, it was all really good.. need to get used to a whole different diet over here.. last night we were having ox tongue at dinner and it was fantastic.. :-) do miss breakfast though.. it's not even close here.. going to have to get me some pancakes and french toast and an omelette and a bagel when I get home...